Thursday, August 23, 2012

Product Review: Not Too Excited About this one =/

Hey beautiful ladies!!

Like I said, I've been trying out different deep conditioners, and this week I tried this one.... and unfortunately...wasn't too happy with it. It didn't leave my hair hard, but it didn't leave it too soft either. I definitely won't be purchasing this again :(
I'm not saying it's a BAD product.... it's just that this specific masque didn't meet up to what I was expecting or what I have seen other products do for my hair.

Washed my hair first to wash off all the products I put on
in the past days...

I actually was pretty excited for this product

I put it on my ends mostly, that's why the top looks dry 
What it looked like. My hair somehow absorbed it pretty quickly
Covered it with my handy cap :)

This is the final result. Eh

I had left it in for a WHILE. I'm guessing like 6 hours?


Keep checking our new posts for more reviews of stuff you may want to buy (or not buy!) :)


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