Tuesday, January 17, 2012

10 Things To STOP Doing To Your Baby (Your hair!)

Transitioning can be very difficult sometimes because as much as you want to begin a new chapter of NATURAL GORGEOUS BEAUTY for your hair, you need to cut old habits that have become your second nature. I had to stop doing a LOT of stuff to my baby and I was able to reach my goal sooner, which made me happier!! It wasn't easy to tell myself NO every time, but I kept the "final result" image perfectly clear in my head to remind myself where I wanted to go. Yes, transitioning can be a pain in the butt, so don't drag it out because you refuse to change your habits. The sooner you accept the changes you will have to make, the sooner you reach the goal you're dying to reach :)


They are evil! They eventually cut your hair where you place them! No! Stop it! Get yourself BOBBY PINS! Use Bobby pins all you want, but THROW AWAY these evil clips!

I did this all the time and did myself so much damage. Don't do it. If you washed your hair, dry it out as much as you can with a towel and let it air dry for an hour, the BEST would be to air it out completely. If you're in a rush, shake your hair in the shower like a dog, towel dry, then use a DIFFUSER attached to your blow dryer and use COLD or WARM air.... Then you can ponytail if you want :) If you're at the beach or at the pool, let your hair out and love it!

Gels most of the time are way too harsh. Especially the cheap ones. I only use Ouidad Gel and if you ever use that product you'll know it doesn't even feel like a gel, there just isn't any other word to describe it. Ouidad or something like it is okay, but gels in general are not. If the gel you are buying is some funky color like neon green or pink, don't use it. Using gel to ponytail your hair dead-flat against your head while transitioning, is like trying to reduce your cholesterol going to the gym but eat breakfast lunch dinner and midnight snack eating at burger king. Come on, let's be consistent. If you want to go natural, put the gel away. Throw it away. 

If you are a color-dye lover like I used to be, this might stress you out a little bit. But.... get over it :) You are working TOO hard to go through this process and reach your goal to let some hair-dye slow you down! No way! Your hair is going through a change, and where the two different textures meet in your hair is very very DELICATE! Say no to chemicals! Let yourself grow out enough hair, to completely cut off the permed hair, and THEN you can make a choice to do highlights or change the color or whatever you want. I'm not saying never to dye your hair, I'm saying don't do it in this period of time of your hair journey.

Your hair is an investment! Okay let's think of this, if you are willing to pay $20 for a top you will only wear about 12-20 days out of the year, you should be willing to spend on products for your hair that you wear 365 DAYS OUT OF THE YEAR!!!!! Your hair is your baby and your EVERYDAY ACCESSORY! You need to invest in it. Your hair isn't something you choose out of your closet every once in a while, your hair sits on your head every day and wakes up before you do! Your hair is a blessing, treat it like one. I'm not saying spend $65 on a shampoo, I'm saying cut some coupons if you want to save some cash and EXPERIMENT with different products from the store! Don't buy clothes at the mall and then hit up Dollar-Tree for some generic diluted Suave shampoo. Research for good quality products and go to Sally's, go to ULTA, go to hair salons, go to wal-mart (hey I love not spending more than I have to) and buy good stuff!!

What!??! Why are you doing this?!?! You lucky your hair doesn't speak because you would get told a thing or two by it! Don't yank your hair. You're killing it in the most painful and agonizing manner. If you're going to detangle: take your time!! Slowly take out the knots and remember to use small pieces at a time and start from the ends and slowly working your way up. Take your time. This is a good time to listen to music, watch tv, think and relax sitting in a comfy chair. Enjoy this one-on-one time with your baby. I'll be honest: I hate detangling. I hate it with a passion, but I learned to get over it because I love seeing my afro all healthy when I want to go somewhere. It's a sacrifice.

Your transitioning time will go by so much smoother if you boost your confidence with some nice outfits and perfume. Transitioning is not the time to feel ugly and depressed. It's your time to say Bye-Bye to your old ways and embark in a new relationship with your hair. Yes it can be the roughest time, but don't start letting yourself go because of it thinking "oh I'll dress better once it actually grows out." No, don't do that to yourself. You don't have to wear heels and make up every day with pearls and Chanel perfume, but don't wear sweats with dirty sneakers and a shirt the size of a hammock every day of your life. Cheer yourself up and remind yourself that you are beautiful! That's your job, not others. Don't depend on their comments and opinions! They don't know anything! Get pretty, smell pretty and take on every day with a smile :)

You will always, always, ALWAYS find that one stupid person that feels their comment about your hair is necessary. Don't listen to him, her, anyone. When they're telling you their thoughts, you ZONE OUT and SMILE!! Smiling always annoys the other person lol :) :) :) Do it! Just smile it off! Don't listen to those idiots! They don't matter! And if that idiot is your boyfriend, HE IS NOT THE ONE FOR YOU! LET HIM GO! FAR! FAR AWAY FROM YOU! You deserve someone that will support you every day, especially about something that is so important to us, and especially because transitioning isn't permanent! It's just a period of time before you reach victory! If he can't see that, he's dumb, needs to learn patience and is not good enough for you. Don't listen to what doesn't inspire you to grow!

This is so important. At least for me. I know many will disagree with how extreme I feel about this but I don't care. I say NO TO HEAT. Any heat! As I was transitioning I did not use any warm/hot blow dryer, straightening iron, curling iron, or anything similar. I said NO to heat and that was the toughest sacrifice. The only time I used heat was for a performance I had to do and I needed straight hair in the front to later attach a wig and the end of my hair (fake ponytail). I didn't really have a choice, if I did, I would have said no to heat! Do yourself that favor, don't use heat! 

You are beautiful! You are a masterpiece that God created and He blessed you with hair that is versatile and perfect for you! God has never and will never make a mistake, so don't ever think your hair or you are. You are BEAUTIFUL! You were FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE! BELIEVE IT! YOU ARE! So push your shoulders back, lift your head and walk with confidence! Do not be embarrassed or ashamed of your hair, or for this process you are going through. Walk happy, confident and with a smile! Again, you are beautiful! Don't forget it! Love yourself! Love your hair! Love the way God made you! You are a MASTERPIECE!

With love,


Photo Credits:

Picture 9
Picture 8
Picture 7
Picture 6 
Picture 5
Picture 4
Picture 3
Picture 2
Picture 1


  1. LOOOOOOOOVE!!!!!! I will start using some of this advice immediately although some of it is HARD to let go of lol

    1. So glad you enjoyed this post!! I completely understand, took me a while to learn everything I wrote and I STILL have my moments where I need to remind myself to not do something lol You can most definitely do it girl!
