Friday, December 9, 2011

A Tale of Two AFros: Chapter Brittany

Bienvenue à tous! C'est moi, Brittany!
So Ohmyafro wouldn’t be complete without showing you guys where I’ve come from in terms of natural -> relaxed -> natural.  It was quite the journey for me simply because I still have no idea why I went natural. I did it when it wasn’t exactly the most “popular” thing going around, so I had no resources, advice, tips, nothing! Which is partly why Roxy and I made this blog, to help you out in ways no one else helped us. Let’s start with my typical long luscious relaxed hair from age 7 that eventually lost its length due to my scissor happy self.

From this
To This lol

When I moved to Florida, there was an immediate change in the way the water felt, and I changed hairstylist as well. We can say for me, it went downhill from there although I still had “long hair” to everyone else (my definition of long hair is so different smh). You could definitely tell it wasn’t my same head of luscious bodacious hair I had before lol

So when I turned 14, I told my mom that I’m sorry lovely lady of mine, but I’m going natural. She laughed, then she asked me why, I told her I had no idea. Maybe I was just crazy. The term we’ll use is looney, because that’s what everyone who knew my relaxed days said about me. So I went natural the most horrible way you can possible imagine. I blew out my hair and flat ironed it every wk thinking my natural hair was the Queen of Queens and nothing could phase whatever was growing from my scalp.
 I’d say that was probably the worst decision ive made in my journey. Heat damage was my new best friend, it was a violent relationship. 
So Short! lol

 So I cut the heat damaged part. Mistake #2!! My hair stylist believed that the back of my hair was “pretty, we cant cut it!!,” so she only cut the front. I don’t even know what to say about the shape of my hair after that, im still suffering the consequences. It was looked like this __---, with the front being shorter and the back being longer, but when you have afro, it just looked awkward. Enter Kimmaytube. *Cue heavenly angels*

 Boy did she save my life. I followed that woman to the “T”, and my hair rejoiced and praised the Father for that. From there its been a twist out, growing my hair patiently, number amounts of styles journey that I would say has been such a life learning lesson. Ive learned patience through my hair, who would’ve thought that dead  filamentous biomaterials on my head could teach me so many lessons and attract so much attention. Anyways, I love it, and I’m letting it do its thing.
You look so much better when you Smile

Ciao dolls and gents, xoxo. God Bless 

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