Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Time Has Come.... *drumroll please ;)*

For Brittany and I to come together and make a blog for all of you that are thinking, or in the process, or already loving being beautiful with your natural hair!!! Yay!

As I was out shopping with my mom today, (as always) I had people commenting on my hair with the most amusing faces of amazement. I heard every comment from "I love your hair!" to "WOW! That's some cool hair you got" to "How long did it take you to grow it out??!" to "I wish I could have an Afro and pull it off" to "MOMMYYYYYY LOOK AT THE BIG HAIR!!!!!!!" an my favorite of all: "I love your hair, I'm trying to go natural right now and I really can't wait for it to be as long as yours. What advice can you give me?"

Yup, that last comment is the reason why Brittany and I decided to make this blog. We hear it all the time. So we want to give you advice, guidance, and motivate you through this process. 

Natural Hair Is BEAUTIFUL. If you don't believe that, oh no girl: we got some work to do. If you do believe that: GOOD! BECAUSE IT IS! IT'S GORGEOUS! IT'S WONDERFUL! IT'S RARE! And with a lot of research, a lot of patience, and someone to look up to: YOU WILL GET THERE! Oh, and you'll love it too. 

It's so funny, when we have (yes because both Brittany and I had it too) damaged permed hair, you know your hair isn't beautiful. You try and you try, but no matter how hard you try to make it something it's not-- that's it: it's not and it won't ever be. When people ask what's the most beautiful thing about you, your hair will not even make it to the end of the list. BUT! When you're natural hair virgins, and someone asks what your favorite thing about you (physically) more often than not, your response will be "oh, my Afro!" ;)


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